Blog Post

Chesty's Wisdom

  • By Dr. Laura Mann, O.M.D., L.A.c., M.H.
  • 28 Sep, 2017

Know the Dangers of Arthritis Medications for You and Your Best Friends.

When it comes to arthritis, our animals are not very different from ourselves. The cumulative effect of years of use causes degenerative changes in the joints whether human or animal. This can lead to osteoarthritis, a wearing down of the joints and cartilage (or cushion covering the joints), and a decrease in joint lubrication. Pain, stiffness, swelling and inflammation inevitably result.

 The standard treatment regimen for joint pain and inflammation includes the use of cortisone-containing drugs and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as rimadyl, etogesic and metacam for dogs; robenacoxib for cats; phenylbutazone (bute) for horses; and advil, aleve, motrin and aspirin for people. These drugs help to manage the pain, but do not come without serious side effects. Cortisone can cause cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, liver disease, thyroid suppression, osteoporosis, bone necrosis (decay), peptic ulcer and lowered immunity to disease. The side effects of NSAIDs include gastrointestinal ulcer, liver and kidney disease and failure and bone marrow suppression. In addition, there is evidence that long-term use of cortisone and NSAIDs actually damages the joints and accelerates the progression of joint deterioration.

 Many people are not aware of these side effects for themselves or their animals until serious damage is done. I always recommend trying natural alternatives first before taking or giving medication, as the body can only handle so many "hits" before it "springs a leak" so to speak. Natural products are not going to work in every situation, but very often they can help or at least alleviate some of the symptoms. Often I will recommend the use of alternative medication along with a very small dose of the western medication if there are no contraindications to doing so. If a drug does need to be taken, I recommend supplements to protect the liver, kidneys, bones and gastro-intestinal system.

 Humans and animals alike have an amazing healing ability if given the right nutritional support and time. I recommend my EZ Motion products to help decrease joint pain and inflammation, repair and renew injured joint structures and to slow joint pain and cartilage deterioration for ourselves and our animals. In addition, EZ Motion is ideal to prevent and maintain joint health in animals prone to joint problems, either due to breed, structure or other health considerations. EZ Motion formulations are available for people, horses, dogs and cats.

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