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Infection - 100 VEGGIE capsules

Supreme herbal anti-bacterial and anti-viral formula. Helpful for coughs and a wide range of infections. Use this formula to detoxify and purify the blood.

Ingredients: Burdock root, Echinacea root, Dandelion root, St. John’s Wort herb, Goldenseal root, Clove bud, Passion flower, Yellow Dock root, Peppermint leaf and Ginger root.


Your INFECTOSTAT is a miraculous product! I use it for all of my cats and dogs whenever one of them is coming down with something. I used it with your URI-CLEAR for my cat Samantha who would get chronic bladder infections. It cleared up my Doberman’s open sore on his nose. And, in combination with your FUNG-X, it keeps my Cocker Spaniel from getting anymore ear infections. Thanks so much for helping me keep all of my animals healthy.
-- Sincerely, Ashley Thomas, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

My Bloodhound had a terrible hot spot on his tail that started after she was bathed with a new shampoo. I noticed her licking her tail after her bath but I didn’t pay too much attention to it. The next morning it was a big oozing sore. I gave her your HEAD TO TOE and your INFECTOSTAT and put one of those “lamp shade” collars on her so she wouldn’t keep chewing at it. My plan was to take her to the vet if she didn’t start getting better in a few days. Within about a day and ½, that sore started to heal! I was shocked at how fast your products worked. I took the collar off on the fourth day and within 1 week that deep sore was completely healed. Thanks for these two fantastic products!
-- Clare Richardson, Springfield Missouri

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